Thursday, July 28, 2016


On April 1st, Michele had her opening reception for her solo show called "Chromarrhythmia" at Central Tattoo Studio. She had invited me to come and see the work and meet some people. As I walked in there was a very long piece on my right and there were bigger pieces hanging on the wall parallel to the long piece. The gallery was very well lit and you could see every little detail of the wood grain especially on each of her pieces. By the time I got there, there had only been a handful of people that came but as the night went on I started meeting more and more artists that had work hung in other galleries for first Friday. Eventually a lot of students from UARTS showed up and it looked like class had just begun because Michele is also a teacher. It was pretty funny but it was cool seeing the gallery full of faces and people reacting to all of my mentors work. This experience made it really exciting for me to look forward to the future. One day I will have a solo show that will have a gallery full of people reacting to MY work. I learned, at this show in particular, that sometimes a gallery reception doesn't have to be all uptight and strict. There were some very loud conversations going on and people were just having fun. The art world is scary but it's still fun.

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